Friday, February 29, 2008

Rain Drop and Autumn Leaf

I made this image this past fall in Great Falls National Park, Virginia. It had been raining on and off all morning and I turned my full attention to creating macro images of the many autumn leaves in a open field next to the river. For this image I used my 105 Macro lens in conjunction with a 25mm extension tube. I layed on my belly and focused the lens of a single rain drop on the leaf. By leaving my aperture wide open at f4 I was able to throw the rest of the image out of focus and drawl attention to the drop of water.

Nikon D200, 105mm Macro Lens, Kenke 25mm Extension Tube, Singh Ray Warm Polarizer
raw capture at ISO 100 - 1/50 second at f 4.5

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

A Few More Images - West Virginia Winter Workshop

This image is available as a Fine Art Print in sizes up to 24x36 inches. If you are interested in purchasing this image as well as many others, visit my website at for more information.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

West Virginia Winter Workshop

This years West Virginia Winter Workshop was all about the weather. We had every type of precipitation from snow to ice, fog and even rain. The shooting conditions were challenging to say the least, but the group held up very well and everyone was in good spirits. We concentrated our efforts mostly in Blackwater Falls State Park. The falls were of course a favorite location and we had every possible lighting and weather scenario imaginable to shoot them with. Pendelton Overlook was another fun location and we were even treated to the rising of the moon at sunrise, sweet. I would like to thank everyone who attended this workshop and I hope to work with you again in the future.

Here are a few images from the week, enjoy. Joe

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Meadowlark Expo Epilogue

Wow, what a fantastic weekend at the Meadowlark Photo Expo. Frans Lanting kicked of the weekend with a very interesting and inspirational lecture on Friday night. The photographs on display by the various Northern Virginia Camera Clubs were humbling and amazing. What an extremely talented group of individuals. This is our first year at Meadowlark after moving back east from Colorado and it was a tremendous opportunity to meet some really wonderful people as well as some of the finest nature photographers in the business. My fellow instructors at Meadowlark Gardens, Corey Hilz and William Folsom, were their and had a booth set up showcasing their fine work. A local legend and nationally renowned photographer, Tony Sweet and Sue, had a booth set up. Tony not only is one of the finest photographers but also one of the nicest guys I have had the pleasure of meeting. His work is visionary and simply stunning.

In the next few days we will be posting the winner of our raffle for the free spot on one of our Workshop Tours. Make sure to check back in the next day or two for the winning name.

In the meantime, I am putting together the final details for the West Virginia Winter Workshop in Canaan Valley and Blackwater Falls State Park. Their are still 2 positions available and it is sure to fill up in the next couple days. If you are interested in registering, please contact me as soon as possible to reserve a spot.

My self and Amber would would like to take the time to thank all of the staff at Meadowlark Gardens, Corey Hilz, William Folsom, Tony and Sue, and all the members of the Northern Virginia Camera Clubs who made the Expo a great and memorable experience. We look forward to seeing everyone again next year. Now I need to get back to prepping images for Media Magnet Stock Agency and put the finishing touches on a magazine article I am writing.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

2008 Meadowlark Photo Expo this weekend

This weeked is the annual Photo Expo at Meadowlark Gardens in Vienna, Virginia. World renowned nature photographer Frans Lanting will be the keynote speaker as well as many other fine photographers such as Tony Sweet, Ian Plant, William Folsom and Corey Hilz.

I have been really busy this week putting together all of the materials and promotional handouts for our booth. This will be the first year for us at the Expo and we are really excited about getting the word out to so many fine photographers in the Mid Atlantic area. Amber and I will be available to answer all questions about the services we provide, and will be offering a 20% discount to anyone who signs up for a workshop this weekend. Please make sure to stop by and say hello.

Hope to see you there, Joe.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Haunted Tree

A long exposure of 5 minutes and strong winds transform this tree into a surreal scene.

This image is available as a Fine Art Print in sizes up to 24x36 inches. If you are interested in purchasing this image as well as many others, visit my website at for more information.

Frozen Moments

I have been shooting alot of macro images of ice patterns and formations lately as well as going through and scanning older films for an article entitled "Frozen Moments". Here is one from about 8 years ago that I made while on a stock photography trip to the White Mountains, New Hampshire. I found this scene along the banks of the Swift River.

Tech: Nikon N90s, 105mm Macro, circ. Polarizer, Fuji Velvia 50.