Friday, June 20, 2008

Great Light at Big Stone Beach, Delaware

Finally back on the Blogosphere ! I have been far to consumed in the past 2 weeks with preparation for upcoming workshops this summer, image preparation a new website and shooting for an upcoming book project to post any recent work. So here we go !
I made these 2 images two nights ago with fellow Photographer Ian Plant and 2 others at Big Stone Beach, Delaware. We were there waiting for the Horseshoe Crabs to storm the beach at sunset and begin their ancient spawning ritual. Well, the crabs never made it, but a thunderstorm rolled through at sunset and pounded us with some of the coldest and heaviest rain I have experienced in may years of shooting outdoors. I hunkered down and waited out the weather in hopes of the sun breaking free before the light faded. Oh and it did break, and right at the most colorful and dramatic time. Here are 2 shots from that wonderful night.

Next week its off to Colorado for 13 days to lead a private tour of Rocky Mountain National Park and Mount Evans. Check back often, as I will be writing trip reports and sharing new images form the field.

Click the image to enlarge !


Anonymous said...

Jeez man, killer light. Good job waiting out the storm. We gotta get together sometime. I'll be going to Shenandoah one of the days this week (probably Tuesday or Wednesday), if you're interested.

John Barclay said...

Very nice Joe! They have an Eddie Soloway look to them which is soft and dreamy. Just back from lots of travel and took a look at the posts I've missed. Lots of terrific stuff as usual! Nice comment from your student too. I can tell you are doing a great job out there!